
6th Generation Brewer Sato Jumpei's Resume

"KODAKARA" DAIGINJO UMESHU — Premium Product Quality Induced Torment ("TATENOKAWA" Newspaper 10/11/2014)


The “KODAKARA” DAIGINJO PLUM WINE had not sold as we had hoped. So, with nothing to lose, we entered it into a contest. Please read this together with the last issue for the full story.

We had put our heart and soul into making a plum wine from a base of Daiginjo but it wasn’t selling and the cost of entering the competition was a measly few thousand yen and a few samples so we decided to give it a go. It was Tenman Tenshin Plum Wine Championships, a rare competition which is still held once a year in Osaka, where speciality plum wines from breweries across the country that make it through a qualification and final judging stage are entered into a ranking.

Perhaps if by some remote chance we made the top order, it might help sales…. With that faint hope we entered and qualified in an edgy 10th position. I never in a million years thought that out of over 250 plum wines we could qualify so I was really happy.

Photograph Top: DAIGINJO PLUM WINE. The improbable success of qualification! And it didn’t stop there!

6th Generation Brewer Sato Jumpei